Few "people" have made such a large contribution to the credit union movement as the Little Man Under the Umbrella. The cartoon was created in the late 1920s by Joe Stern, editorial cartoonist of the Boston Herald, at the request of Roy Bergenren, head of the Credit Union National Extension Bureau. Bergengren wanted a symbol to represent the common people of the credit union movement.
The Little Man (AKA Umbrella Man) appeared in various poses over the years, sometimes carrying an account book or insurance policy; he also went to the beach, to war, and to Christmas parties.
The Little Man Under the Umbrella was the most popular and recognizable symbol
of CUNA, affiliated organizations like CUNA Mutual, and the credit union movement. Copyrighted in 1936, the Little Man Under the Umbrella continued as
the official CUNA trademark until the 1960s.